
JEEPERS! Terrifying Projects To Keep You Up At Night

RTA School of Media at X University Season 1 Episode 6

One of the world’s deadliest assassins, supernatural hypnotisms, and terrifying experiences. Those are just a few of the projects we’ll be listening to.  This episode we’re diving into the world of all things creepy. We’ve got stories to make you squirm, true crime and radio dramas galore, all expertly crafted by RTA School of Media’s students.

Special thank you to Kevin Konarzewski, Lori Beckstead, Heather Kirby and Elizabeth Martin for suggesting these fantastic projects and emboldening the next generation of storytellers. As well, thank you to Emily Bak for giving feedback on this episode.

Produced by the RTA School of Media at X University

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1:01 - 4:55  The Well: A Ghost Story Feature
4:56 - 16:16 Femme Fatality Podcast Feature
16:17 - 32:50 Psychagogia Radio Drama Podcast Feature
32:51 - 45:25 The Appointment Radio Drama Feature
45:26 - 50:01 Firsts and Worsts Podcast Feature

Featured Projects
The Well - Haylee Thompson, Ainsley Cherry, Garrett Allardyce and Thomas Cannon (RTA 311 F2020)
A radio drama about a brother and sister who come across a haunted well.

Femme Fatality - Megan Werle (RTA 104 F2020)
A true crime podcast where women aren't just the victims but the killers. On this episode we head back in time Megan tells the story of one of the most successful serial killers of all time, but you've probably never heard of her. Guilia Tofana (aka Aqua Tofona), the slow poisoning husband killer of the 17th Century.

Psychagogia - Zoraise Ahmad (RTA 104 F2020)
A radio drama and fictional true crime conspiracy podcast. We're taken through the story of a mysterious crime, given witness accounts and clues about the death and disappearance of Cedric.

The Appointment - Heather Ngo and Kennedi Tapp-Vincent (RTA 996 W2019)
A radio drama where a  patient visits a hypnotic therapist to deal with a traumatic experience.

Firsts and Worsts - Claire Albush (RTA 104 F2019)
A podcast about first times, worst times and where they draw the line. This episode is ALL about SEX. Racy but host Claire is here for it. Along with a few guests she discusses dos and donts, advice and crazy stories. 

Podcast Producer and Host: Sam McNulty
Project Supervisor and Guest Host: Lori Beckstead
Artwork: Yvette Sin
Sound Design (Trailer, Opening and Sweepers): Anita Porgozelska
Opening and Closing Music: PHAS3.EXE  by Drake Sanderson
Show Notes and Transcription: Yixin (Cherry) Yang

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Instagram @bouncedpodcast
Twitter @bouncedpodcast

Anita Pogorzelska (Opening)  0:14  
You're listening to bounced, an RTA school media student showcase podcast. 

Samantha McNulty  0:28  
One of the world's deadliest assassins, Supernatural, hipness isms and terrifying experiences. Those are just a few of the projects we'll be hearing about today. I'm Sam McNulty, the host and Podcast Producer for Bounced and this episode we are diving into the world of all things creepy. We've got stories to make you squirm at true crime and radio dramas galore. And what better way to start than a good old fashioned ghost story.

speaker 1  1:06  
Be quiet. I don't want to get in trouble. 

speaker 2  1:08  
Oh, please. There's nothing but coyotes. 

speaker 1  1:10  
Coyotes. Is that 

speaker 2  1:14  
The well? You bet it is.

speaker 1  1:16  
Let's go back. 

speaker 2  1:17  
No way. Haven't you heard the story? 

speaker 1  1:19  

speaker 2  1:20  
Well, legend has it a little girl is being chased by the bullies from her school. They followed her through the woods until they cornered her around this very well. 

Little Girl  1:33  
Please, I don't have anything. 

Bully 1  1:36  
She's crying. 

Little Girl  1:37  
Stay back. 

Bully 2  1:38  
Are you scared? You need to go home? 

Little Girl  1:40  
Please stop! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! 

speaker 1  1:47  
She fell in?!

speaker 2  1:48  
And was never seen again. Some people swear they can still hear her crying out for help and revengeee.

speaker 1  1:55  
Bruce stop! Let's just go home. 

speaker 2  1:58  
Not without a closer look. Hello? Any deranged little girls down there? 

speaker 1  2:06  
Stop it. You'll fall in if you lean in like that!

speaker 2  2:09  
Aw am I making you nervous? Guess I shouldn't lean in even further like this right? 

speaker 1  2:14  
Seriously Bruce.

speaker 2  2:15  
She must be a real coward...Ahhhhhh!!!

speaker 1  2:19  
Bruce! Are you okay!? 

speaker 2  2:22  
Jane Help! 

speaker 1  2:23  
Try climbing up the side. 

speaker 2  2:26  
It's too slippery. Call for help!

speaker 1  2:28  
Okay, hang on. Just stay calm. 

Operator  2:36  
911 what's your emergency? 

speaker 1  2:37  
Please help. My brother is in danger. 

Operator  2:41  
Ok where you located, ma'am?  

speaker 1  2:41  
At the Park. My brother fell down the old well, he might be hurt. 

Operator  2:44  
The well, Collins Well? 

speaker 1  2:47  

Operator  2:47  
We'll be right there. Stay put. It's the damn well, get the fire department! 

speaker 1  2:54  
They're coming Bruce don't worry it'll be okay.

speaker 2  3:01  
Jane? I think something's down here. 

speaker 1  3:05  
What? Bruce? 

Little Girl  3:07  
You're a silly little boy, aren't you Bruce? 

speaker 2  3:10  

Little Girl  3:11  
You remind me of those teenagers. They were silly too. They're the reason I'm down here. 

speaker 2  3:19  
I don't know. 

Little Girl  3:20  
They never got in trouble for what they did but you will. 

speaker 2  3:24  

Little Girl  3:24  
Goodbye Bruce. Silly boy. 

speaker 1  3:38  
They're almost here. It's gonna be okay. Bruce. Bruce? 

Little Girl  3:47  
Come down. Come and see your brother.

Samantha McNulty  3:59  
That piece was done by Haylee Thompson, Ainsley Cherry, Garrett Allardyce and Thomas Cannon. I don't know about you. But I think that kid Bruce had it coming. Who the heck gets themselves stuck in a well, ghosts are not there are plenty of other scary things you could find in an abandoned well. You've got spiders, snakes, yourself. Ugh gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. Suffice to say that boy should have listened to his sister. But let's face it guys aren't the smartest. If you got a few too many on your hands and need someone to take care of those pesky creatures. Maybe take a cue from this legendary Renaissance woman on this next project or maybe not. 

Megan  5:10  
Hello, I'm your host Megan Werle. And welcome to Femme Fatality a true crime podcast where women aren't just the victims, but the killers. Today we're heading back in time and covering a case that's one of my personal favorites. She's the most successful serial killer of all time. But you've probably never heard of her. Her name you ask? Giuliana Tofana, the slow-poisoning husband-killing woman of the 17th century. If you've heard of her, then you have an idea of the graphic nature I'm about to share. But if you haven't, prepare yourselves, because this story isn't suitable for all audiences. This is a trigger warning for topics surrounding death and murder.

I recently sat down with a few of those close to me ask them some quick questions regarding true crime in this specific case. Do you watch true crime? 

Speaker 1  6:01  

Speaker 2  6:02  
Not really. I watch Mindhunter. 

Speaker 3  6:04  
I like like watching like true crime. BuzzFeed unsolved. 

Speaker 4  6:07  
I actually watched quite a bit of true crime. 

Megan  6:09  
Off the top of your head. How many female serial killers can you name? 

Speaker 1  6:13  
I think just Lizzie Borden. 

Speaker 4  6:14  
That I can remember only one, Irene Wuornos. 

Megan  6:19  
Why do you think women are less likely to kill?

Speaker 1  6:21  
I think women understand empathy. 

Speaker 3  6:24  
They're more mentally stable. 

Speaker 4  6:25  
They seem to reason their way around it and how they can get out of it and make it better.

Megan  6:29  
Why do you think when women do kill, it's typically less violent.

Speaker 2  6:32  
I just think men are bred to be violent people.

Speaker 3  6:35  
Women just like think about it a lot more. It's not just like killing random people. 

Speaker 1  6:39  
They don't kill in a sense of power. It's more justice.

Speaker 4  6:43  
For males, for some reason, there's always got to be violence. And it's just, it's just horrible.

Megan  6:47  
Now ask your opinion on the case I'm focusing on in my podcast. In 17th century Italy, a woman created a perfume that was actually a poison. It's estimated that that perfume killed up to 600 men, do you think her actions are justified?

Speaker 1  7:00  
I do. Feel like even now if that were to happen 2020 I still think it would be justified.

Speaker 4  7:05  
I guess she feels she wasn't and the woman that used it feel they were. 

Speaker 2  7:09  
But then shouldn't the woman also be held accountable? But I mean, like she should be too.

Speaker 3  7:14  
I mean, I guess I can't say like, yes, she was just trying to help some people out. My head is being like, I need to know the whole story but my heart is saying yes.

Megan  7:23  
After interviewing a variety of people, I found that regardless of whether or not they watch true crime, all have strong opinions on the Guilia Tofano case. As we explore deeper into her reign of terror, it's up to you to decide whether or not her actions are justified.

During the mid 1600s, Giulia Tofana sold cosmetics in southern Italy. She specialized in perfumes, one in what she called Aqua Tofana. Whoever the leading ingredients in Aqua to find out weren't flowers, spices or fruits, but rather enough arsenic to kill without leaving a trace. Secretly, Giulia had turned her cosmetic business into a poison factory. But you see, Giulia wasn't selling her perfume to just anyone. Giulia had a specific goal in mind, one in which in her eyes was the act of helping. Again, the story takes place during the Renaissance era, where arranged marriages were entirely legal. Having no say when it came to who they'd be married off to, women were left feeling powerless, and men with complete control. Husbands would often beat their wives and not face any type of consequences. There was a time when men ruled over their families and women merely just accessories that were auctioned off into loveless marriages with no option for divorce. And so it said that Giulia pitied these women, and became known as a friend to the troubled wife, primarily selling to lower status women most often stuck in abusive relationships. It's interesting how one of history's most prolific serial killers still remains such a mystery. Being that these crimes took place centuries ago, the information about the exact details are sparse, and there are no confirmed portraits of Giulia herself. Now, it's said that Giulia was the daughter of Thofania d'Adamo, who was executed in July of 1633, for the murder of her husband, which from a psychological standpoint would make sense why Julia turned out the way she did, which is why I decided to reach out to my good friend Anna. Today, I'm sitting down with Anna, a fellow Ryerson student who's currently studying psychology with an interest in women's studies and a minor in criminology. Since my podcast is about women who kill I thought getting insight from a fellow student who studies topics I look deep into these kinds of cases would be interesting. Anna, thank you so much for joining me this evening. 

Anna  9:41  
Thank you for having me. 

Megan  9:42  
Okay. So can you tell my listeners what it's like to be studying psychology and criminology?

Anna  9:47  
It's really interesting. Honestly, psych is something I think everyone should have a little bit of a basis and even if it's just psych 101 there's a lot to know not only about yourself, but why people do things and I mean, it's just a really interesting major to have. As for criminology it's just interesting crime and deviant behavior.

Megan  10:06  
So do you feel as though criminology and psych have meshed well during your studies? 

Anna  10:10  
Yeah, for sure. They definitely have a lot of interesting things that overlap with each other. And I think it's a really enriching program to be in.

Megan  10:18  
With that being said, Can I ask you what drove you to want to study these subjects?

Anna  10:21  
I've always taken an interest in psychology. I think that mostly started in high school when I took anthropology, psychology and sociology, it really just piqued my interest about different topics of study within psychology. I think having that background is can really translate well into other aspects of education and different institutions. And I think it's important to understand.

Megan  10:43  
Well, now that we have some insight on your background with psychology. I wanted to know your thoughts on Giulia's upbringing and the kind of impact her mother's choices must have had on her.

Anna  10:50  
Well, given her speculation that Giulia's mother killed her father, when you consider the impacts that inevitably had on Giulia, it makes sense that she sympathize and offered a ways of escape to all those women likely reliving the traumas from her past and visualizing herself in her mother in those situations, unable to let go from what hurt her so badly.

Megan  11:10  
Thank you so much for joining me, it's been a pleasure. And now that we have an understanding of the minds of those involved with this case, let's continue.

Giulia was described as being very beautiful, who spent a lot of her free time with apothecaries, the people who prepared and sold medicines of the time. She took a fascination with learning how to make her own concoctions, and it's believed this was where Giulia developed the skill she would need in order to make such a lethal toxin. That tasteless and untraceable poison which was packaged covertly in a perfume bottle was finding its way into women's hands across the country. Giulia shared her customers that they could set Aqua Tofana upon their dressing tables next to their lotions and other beauty related products without raising suspicion since the bottle blended right in. To the word of mouth, Giulio quickly became well known as a provider for a quick and discreet solution to a woman's troubles. Giulia advised her buyers to add four to six drops to their victims food or drink, which was quote, sufficient enough to destroy a man. The product became popular because it was almost impossible to detect the poisons symptoms resembled that of an advancing disease or flu. Julia was very cautious with who she sold to her clients as well only recommending her to those who could be trusted. Her secret Reign of Terror lasted nearly 20 years by some estimates, and ended only when she was turned in by a guilty party. Once she was caught, Giulia guessed that she was responsible for having provided the poison and up to 600 deaths, which in a way made her one of the most prolific assassins in history. One death in particular is still heavily speculated today. Author and historian Mike Dosh translated and retold the investigation surrounding the death of Mozart, where it is claimed he believed in his final moments he had been poisoned by none other than Ms. Tofana herself.

Early in the autumn of 1791. While he was still hard at work on the great requiem mass that would form such a large part of his legend, Wolfgang Mozart fell seriously ill convinced that there is no chance of recovery, he began to speak of death.

Mozart  13:29  
I feel definitely that they will not make it much longer. I am sure that I have been poisoned. I could not read myself with this idea. Someone has gave me Aqua Tofana, and calculated the precise time of my death.

Megan  13:48  
Scholars have wrangled now for two full centuries over the circumstances of the great composer's passing. A handful have concluded that he really was murdered. Most support the rival diagnosis of syphilis, rheumatic fever, or even the deadly effects of eating undercooked pork chops. Whatever the truth, though, and however he died, Mozart was certainly convinced that there existed a rare poison when that was colorless, tasteless, odorless, beyond detection, and also so flexibly murderous that a carefully calculated dose can guarantee a victim's death. Nor was the composer alone in this belief, as forgotten as it is today, the mysterious liquid that he feared so much, was one of the great whispered secrets of early modern Europe. Aqua Tofana was credited with what amounted to supernatural powers and blamed for hundreds of agonizing deaths, which is odd, since it was very far from clear that it ever existed.

Now listen, I'll give my unsolicited opinion on the matter. Do I condone murder? No, but do I have to assume some of these men probably had it coming? Yes, I do. I understand that debating murder may be a bit controversial, but I'm sure most would agree that men have a history of not exactly treating their wives nicely. And much like Giulia, I feel sympathy for those young women and what they must have endured in order to come to that decision. I think in the end, there can be an endless debate on where the blame actually falls, whether it's Giulia, the women men. Regardless, it's an interesting piece of history, and that's why I decided to cover it today.

Women may not kill as often, but when they do, it tends to make for a great story. I hope you take something away from today's episode that you enjoyed learning of the deadly elixir Aqua Tofana. So until next time, I'm Megan, and this has been Femme Fatality.

Samantha McNulty  15:50  
Something that blows me away is that this project was created by Megan in her first year. I wish my 104 project was as riveting as hers. Speaking of fantastic first years we've got another first year True Crime podcast for you though this one takes quite the unconventional approach. This is Psychagogia by Zoraise Ahmad. 

Cameron  16:24  
At 11:56pm on April 27 2011, authorities found former NASA Human Resources director Cedric Wright dead in Tiger Forest. Official records detail a hiking accident as the cause of his death. But that's where things get interesting. Multiple eyewitness reports identify him at various locations, hours past the time of his death. If there's one thing that everyone knows for sure, by the time the morning came, Cedric was gone. Many take this information as the beginnings of a conspiracy, one that has lost me my job and consumed me over the past month. Some say he was murdered including Wrightson's son Luca who's more commonly known by his stage name Bill Tracer. 

Wrightson  17:03  
I O Luca, what do you think happened to your dad, man? 

Luca  17:06  
What do you think man, they fucking killed him because he discovered aliens or some shit.

Cameron  17:13  
Others say he was kidnapped, abducted by aliens, or prophetic Messiah displeased with humanity and sent back to his home world. The list goes on and on. Now, knowing a little bit about how Cedric died, you might be wondering what he was like when he was alive. Here's what his friends and co workers had to say, 

Friend 1  17:29  
Cedric. Oh, yeah, he was a great guy. He always had a smile on his face.

Worker 1  17:34  
Cedy? Oh, dude, I love that guy. This one time he got me tickets to Little Tracer for Christmas. Yeah, I miss him, man. He was the best boss you could have asked for. 

Friend 2  17:44  
While we worked right by Cape Canaveral. So whenever there was a big launch, Cedric would bring these adorable mini rocket ship doughnuts for all of us.

Cameron  17:51  
Was he ever in possession of classified information during his time in Cape? 

Worker 2  17:56  
I mean, hey, we worked in HR, everything we got was classified. But you know, apart from that, I don't think I'm at liberty to discuss any more details.

Worker 1  18:04  
Oh, yeah. There's this guy who went straight to Cedric's office every Monday with a locked briefcase. Wait, oh, I don't know if I'm allowed to say that.

Cameron  18:12  
There are many more stories that pin Cedric as a humble and down to earth average guy. And even with all that, I'm not sure what to believe. Was Cedric involved in something deeper than any of us can begin to imagine? Or did he truly die in an unfortunate hiking accident? My involvement with the story began a month ago or maybe even much longer, as you'll soon come to understand. It's only fair to catch you up on what's happened so far. So here's the story of how I got here. For WKTV, Denver. My name is Cameron Maroney, and you're listening to Psychogogia.

Unknown Speaker  18:50  
With the most recent provisional spending bill approved by Congress, we hope to allocate-- 

Leo  18:53  

Cameron  18:54  
Leo! Yeah. What's up? 

Leo  18:55  
The press briefing starts in 50 you're heading out soon, right? 

Cameron  18:58  
Oh, yeah. I was just catching up on holds most recent press briefing. 

Leo  19:01  
That's what I like to hear.

Cameron  19:05  
Huh? That's weird. Hey, Rob, remember that anonymous dark web tip line? The corporate set up last year?

Rob  19:12  
Yeah. Why? 

Cameron  19:13  
Yeah, well, I just got an email from an address to me from some guy named Darkwing97 and it's got an audio file. 

Rob  19:19  
That's a little unusual. From the few times it's been used. It's usually been trolls, but still be worth checking out though. 

Cameron  19:25  
Yeah. Thanks.

Darkwing97 Audio File  19:34  
Ronnie, ask him about Cedric in Sector 113. You'll see that in his face the mighty giant falls heavy in the night sky. Mighty giant falls heavy in the night sky. Mighty giant-

Leo  19:49  
Cam? What do you still doing here? You need to get going now. 

Dr.Jordan  19:52  
Sorry, I'm on my way out now. 

Leo  20:00  
Never seen you late to one of these.

Cameron  20:02  
Has been long since he started or am I super late? 

Leo  20:04  
Couple of minutes. Their lunch was fantastic by the way. 

Cameron  20:08  
All right, let's get to here in international cooperation has incredible I think I'm gonna go for a question. Secretary Hall Secretary Hall over here with CNN. Cameron right, Cameron. Yes. Can you provide a comment on Cedric Right and reports of his recent association with sector 113? 

Leo  20:27  
Are you insane?

Secretary Hall  20:31  
I'm not here to give conspiracy theories airtime. Frankly, I expect more professionalism from an organization like CNN. Next question, please.

Security  20:40  
Sir, I'm going to need you to follow me off the premises. Your press pass has been revoked. 

Leo  20:47  
Your press pass was what? 

Cameron  20:48  
So you agree right. It was a little bit excessive.

Leo  20:51  
Excessive? I don't think you understand what's happening here. This administration has been holding us by the balls Cam. The last thing I need right now is your pedaling cue- and-on type bullshit on air and then dealing with the constitute point of shitstorm that comes with it. Not to mention tarnishing the little credibility we have left. Might as well go on air and tell everyone Roswell happened too.

Cameron  21:11  
Are you kidding me? Leo there is a story here. The audio file I got this morning said something about the mighty giant in the night sky. And the only other person who's ever said that to me, was Cedric when I interviewed him back in 2010. There's gonna be a correlation or something. 

Leo  21:24  
Jesus Christ, I can't believe what I'm hearing. You know what you're done here. Clear your desk. 

Cameron  21:28  
You're kidding, right? You can't do that. Now what? I'm this close to finding something big! 

Leo  21:31  
Get out.

Bartender  21:45  
Hey, can I get you anything? 

Nadia  21:46  
Just a club soda. Thanks. A little early for day drinking, isn't it? 

Cameron  21:52  
Haven't had the best day. 

Nadia  21:54  
Videos are trending on Twitter.

Secretary Hall  21:56  
I'm not here to give conspiracy theories airtime. Frankly. I expect more professionalism from--

Cameron  22:00  
For fuck sake. 

Nadia  22:03  
Let me guess, lost your job, Dropped by your insignificant brand deals. 

Bartender  22:07  
There you go, ma'am. 

Nadia  22:08  
Thanks. That's just a sort of it.

Cameron  22:16  
Do I know you? 

Nadia  22:18  
Not yet. 

Cameron  22:19  
Look, Miss if you're here to tell me how much of an idiot I am, can you please do so and let me get on with my day.

Nadia  22:24  
An idiot? Quite the contrary. I'm here to offer you a job. 

Cameron  22:30  
Whoa, You're hilarious. Let me guess I also have a puppy now, won the lottery.

Nadia  22:35  
You're not the only one chasing after sector 113. I'm putting together a team of investigators. And I need someone the public already knows to be early. 

Cameron  22:45  
Oh, so this is a recruitment. Right? For team nuts or something. 

Nadia  22:49  
We have 3 million in discretionary funds. 

Cameron  22:51  
Oh, wow. deep pockets. Good for you. 

Nadia  22:56  
Darkwing 97. 

Cameron  22:59  
All right. You've got me. I'll abide. 

Nadia  23:01  
They told us to watch the press briefing this morning. And we'll know what we're looking for what happens. Whoever it is, one of those to find you.

Cameron  23:08  
And what makes you so sure this Darkwing is credible anyways? Could just be some loser sitting in his mom's basement, making us chase our tails.

Nadia  23:16  
Did they send us classified CIA documents? Transfer records to sector 113 for someone initial CW. 

Cameron  23:23  
That's, okay, I'll give you that one. That's big. 

Nadia  23:26  
I'll leave you my card. Call the number on it if you're in.

Cameron  23:54  
It's only fair to catch you up on what's happened so far. So here's the story of how I got here. For WKRE Denver. My name is Cameron Maroney, and you're listening to Psychogogia. 

Cass  24:04  
And we're out. You're still gonna send me the CNN and Pentagon tapes edited in right? 

Cameron  24:08  
Oh, I should have sent them this morning. 

Cass  24:13  
Oh. Perfect. Yeah, I see them here. 

Nadia  24:17  
Are we good for a team meeting right now? 

Cass  24:19  
Yep. We just cleared the opening of Episode One. 

Nadia  24:21  
Lovely. Where are we at? 

Cass  24:27  
Leaving Washington backed out. 

Nadia  24:28  
As expected. It's an election year. They're all scared shitless. Maroney what about you? 

Dr.Jordan  24:34  
Oh yeah so, our guy in Panama is willing to let us take a look. But getting around the vault's corporate security is going to be a bit of a challenge. Maybe a little bit dangerous. And also I'm not sure if we'll find anything worthwhile there. So it might be a bit of a gamble.

Nadia  24:47  
I'd rather not have any of you die. Let's hold off on Panama for now. 

Cass  24:52  
Oh, my God. 

Nadia  24:53  

Cass  24:54  
One of our long shots just got back to us. 

Cameron  24:56  
Who is it? 

Cass  24:57  

Cameron  24:58  
Are you serious?

Nadia  25:00  
What's his credibility?

Cameron  25:01  
Well, he worked with Cedric and NASA for like six years and he fell off the grid around the same time Cedric was reported dead. He stopped coming to work. He stopped seeing his friends, and most people thought he was dead until he popped up in a phonebook in Montana last month.

Nadia  25:13  
Cass, what did he say? 

Cass  25:15  
He wants to meet us tomorrow morning at 11am and the address is just outside Great Falls, Montana. 

Cameron  25:22  
That's an 11 hour drive from Denver. 

Nadia  25:25  
What time is it? 

Cass  25:26  

Nadia  25:27  
Pack your things, you're leaving in an hour. 

Cameron  25:29  
Wait, Nadia, are you serious?

Nadia  25:31  
Yes, I'm serious. This is the only credible lead we've had in a month. Go home. Get your things and meet me out front in an hour. 

Cameron  25:44  
Is a recording? 

Cass  25:45  
Yeah, it should be.

Cameron  25:46  
Hey there listeners. It's currently 9:37pm. And we're passing through a beautiful little town in Colorado called Fort Collins. 

Cass  25:52  
You're so pretentious. 

Cameron  25:54  
That's quite the buzzkill. So we're about an hour outside Denver right now. And we're about to start passing through some more farmland. We'll keep you guys updated as the night progresses. Maroney out. 

Cass  26:05  
Maroney out? Seriously. 

Cameron  26:11  
Hey there listeners. We've stopped insure in Wyoming for some gas. It's currently 1:57am. And I think I'm driving now so I won't be making any more of these until we arrive in Great Falls in the morning. So see you later.

Cass  26:28  
Take a left here. 

Cameron  26:37  
The GPS says to keep on going straight. 

Cass  26:39  
Trust me and take a left. Take a right here. 

Cameron  26:52  
Cass, what's going on? 

Cass  26:53  
We're being followed. 

Cameron  26:54  
We're being what?!

Cass  26:55  
We've had that black fan on our tail since we left Billings 30 minutes ago. 

Cameron  27:00  
What do you want me to do? 

Cass  27:00  
Take a left here and drive back a couple of miles. They didn't turn this time. I think we're in the clear.

Cameron  27:14  
Hey, there are listeners. It's currently 10:56am and we just arrived outside Mr. Antonov house. So we're just about to go ring the doorbell right now. 

Cass  27:21  
Oh, wait. Here are the questions. 

Cameron  27:24  
Thank you very much,

Cass  27:33  
Mr. Antonov? I'm Cassandra Morrison. This is my associate Cameron Maroney, we're here for the interview. 

Antonov  27:41  
Ah, yes. come on in. 

Dr.Jordan  27:44  
Well, Mr. Antonov, we're ready to start if you are. 

Antonov  27:47  
Of course.

Cameron  27:48  
Perfect. Let's hear a bit about yourself first, who is Antonov?

Antonov  27:52  
I used to be an aerospace engineer for NASA. And now I'm retired. I don't have family or kids.

Cameron  27:59  
And you say you're retired. That happened around the same time Cedric right was pronounced dead. Right?

Antonov  28:05  
You're getting right into it, aren't you? Yes. It was around the same time. I didn't tell anyone about it until I was gone.

Dr.Jordan  28:13  
And what about your relationship with Cedric? What was that like?

Antonov  28:16  
Well, he was my neighbor. We worked together and then cracked open beer in our backyards afterward. He was that type of guy, you know, laid back friendly and whatever other people say about him.

Cameron  28:29  
Did Mr. Wright act suspiciously in the days leading up to his death? 

Antonov  28:33  
The day before he was found dead. He knocked on my door after work. He looked scared. I had never seen him scared before.

Cameron  28:45  
And what did he say? 

Antonov  28:47  
He told me he found something huge. Shouldn't have and that we were all in danger than the colors drained from his face. He said he had to go and drove off in his car. I never saw him again. I put a pot of tea before you came. Would you two do to like some? 

Cass  29:15  
No thanks. 

Cameron  29:17  
Sure. I'll take some. 

Antonov  29:23  
How much sugar would you like? 

Cameron  29:25  
One teaspoon would be nice. 

Antonov  29:26  
Of course. You know the great thing about being retired. I can live here, over there pretty much everywhere. No directions, nothing tying me down 

Cass  29:40  
You're really mixing the sugar and well there Mr. Antonov. 

Zoraise Ahmad  29:43  
Well, did you know the best mix mix the best Tea- 

Cameron  29:47  
Cass? We have to go right now. 

Antonov  29:49  
So soon? 

Cameron  29:50  
Yes, I'm sorry. But you've been wonderful Mr. Antonov. 

Antonov  29:52  
Let me lead you out at least. Oh, was the Black on the driveway before? Here. Leave from the side door just to be safe. 

Cass  30:07  
Oh my god. 

Antonov  30:08  
Cameron. Don't forget the mighty giants fall heavy in the night sky.

Cameron  30:14  
What does it mean? 

Cass  30:16  
Come on Cam let's go! A 20 meter street shot to the car. Are you ready?

Cameron  30:36  
We have to go now. 

Cass  30:44  
Holy shit they tried to hit us! 

Cameron  30:47  
If we keep on driving, I think we'll be in the clear. 

Cass  30:49  
How did you know to leave? 

Cameron  30:51  
What? Oh, oh yeah, he was sounding "a bug" with his tea spoon on the mug in Morse. 

Cass  30:56  
We almost died. What the fuck?

Michelle  31:00  
Montana man was found dead in his home by authorities last night and what appears to be a suicide by hanging. This marks the fourth and that concerning recent stream suicides in the region. For care TV Great Falls. I'm Michelle Roberts. 

Cameron  31:14  
Oh my god. We did this. He'd still be alive if it wasn't for us.

Nadia  31:18  
No, we didn't. He contacted us. He knew his house was bugged. We can't blame ourselves. 

Cameron  31:24  
No, Nadia, we have to drop this. 

Unknown Speaker  31:29  
This is a Deadman switch. The following message is addressed to you.

Antonov  31:33  
Hello, Cameron. If you're receiving this message, I am dead. You know how it happened. I hear that you have been considering the Panama document.

Nadia  31:44  
How does he know? 

Antonov  31:44  
I believe you'll find something worthwhile if you- remember the mighty giants fall heavy in the night sky. Cameron Drop it immediately or face consequences consequences.

Nadia  32:01  
Stop the recording I'm calling a team meeting.

Cameron  32:09  
You've been listening to a demo version of Psychogogia Episode One Written, directed and edited by Siri Simon starring Cerise Amos as Cameron Maroney, Levi Bosch as Phil Johansen Channing Kim as Janet Park, Ben westheimer as Carl Fischer Nicholas Candido as Arnold Harrison, and Shen as Rob Carlo, Nick McAllister as Elijah Hall Stuart Osborn as Leo Parker Matthew Feldman as Luca right and a secret service agent Gus cousins as Darkwing97 assault to to follow as Nadia Porter next recent as a bartender Rowan O'Hagan as Cassandra Morris, Richard Sternberg, as Wassily has enough and Aliyah Hussein as Michelle Roberts.

Samantha McNulty  32:50  
Some fantastic sound design and writing in that piece. Honestly, I would be so down for an entire course focused on producing radio dramas. If you love a good audio drama like me, you're gonna get a kick out of this next piece by now RTA grads, Heather Ngo and Kennedi Tapp Vincent.

Mr. Jordan  33:24  
Hi, there. You must be Anita 12:30. Right? 

Anita  33:27  
Yeah, that's me. I've been going through a lot in the past while and I'm-

Mr. Jordan  33:32  
My wife really is one of the best. You're in great hands. Speaking of which you can go on in. 

Anita  33:38  
I'll see you on my way out.

Dr.Jordan  33:42  
Anita, hello. It's so nice to finally meet you. I've been looking at your file today. It seems you have some pretty big goals. You're working towards.

Anita  33:49  
A nice to meet you too. Do I know you by any chance? You look really familiar? 

Dr.Jordan  33:55  
I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting. But I've been on some local ads lately promoting my office. You've probably seen me and my husband on one of those. 

Anita  34:03  
Oh, yeah, that's probably it. But yeah, I guess you could say I've been dealing with some pretty heavy trauma and guilts for a long time. And I really want to escape from it and be able to forgive myself if that's even possible.

Dr.Jordan  34:20  
Okay, wonderful. That's exactly what we do. Please sit. I'd like to hear more about your trauma. What makes you want to try hypnosis? 

Anita  34:31  
Well, it started a little over 10 years ago, I worked for an agency that places neglected children into foster homes while they await possible adoption. I was working on this case for a little girl. Her name was Anna. She was six I think. And I placed her with this man who had fostered so many kids before he was actually one of our go-tos when he had enough space. Anyway, at this time, and it was actually His only Foster and I'm not even really sure the whole story or the reason or how, but he ended up taking her life. It was, it was horrible. He of course was put in prison, But we, we let that happen. We put her with a monster, I put her with a monster. I think about it all the time, how she would have been safer with her parents, how we should have known that this man was capable of something like this. There should have been signs that we could see. Anyway, this is constantly in my head, this whole situation. I want to be able to move away from it and start a fresh chapter of my life.

Dr.Jordan  35:57  
Okay, wow, that's horrible. I'm so sorry. You had to go through that. I understand how the guilt can be debilitating. I've lost people close to me in my life. It's very hard to let yourself move on. I think my plan for us today is going to really change your life truly?

Anita  36:15  
Well, that's all you have to say. Is this something that requires like 20 sessions to complete like all the other things I've tried,

Dr.Jordan  36:24  
this is actually just one session, I've spent my time studying, focusing specifically on cases like yours, and I've had incredible results. Basically, all it is is a hyper deep state of hypnosis, I am going to take you to a part of your consciousness that is disconnected from your body, a happy, comfortable place where you can try to let go and absorb the peace and serenity around you. 

Anita  36:47  
That sounds pretty great, actually. How do we start? 

Dr.Jordan  36:52  
So first, I'm going to give you a little handheld mirror. I'll explain that in a moment. Next, I'm going to take this piece of string here and tie one end to your thumb. The next and I'm just going to tie around the arm of the chair. This part is for you. Sometimes when patients wake up from this state, it's hard for them to determine if they're truly back, tugging on this once we end the session, we'll help you confirm physically with yourself that you fully come back that you're back here on earth. Sound okay?

Anita  37:17  
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. kind of freaky. But better safe than sorry, I guess. 

Dr.Jordan  37:24  
Exactly. I really think you will enjoy this experience. It's quite magical. 

Anita  37:33  
And What's that for?

Dr.Jordan  37:35  
Just to make sure you don't get distracted by the sounds of the outside world. Sometimes Sounds and Lights can trigger you to come back sooner than necessary. You need to stay in the state for the full 30 minutes to feel the effects of their full potential. I've also put a glass of water beside you for when we're finished, it tends to dry out the mouth. 

Anita  37:54  
Okay, this is pretty intense.

Dr.Jordan  37:59  
It's a very serious procedure. Nobody takes time to study methods of deep hypnosis like this. So I like to make sure I was one of the only people qualified to do it as flawlessly as I can. This just ensures that if other people need treatments like this, they have a place to go that they can trust. Do you trust us?

Anita  38:18  
You know, I think at this point I kind of have to. I feel like I'm strapped in for an exorcism. Serious, right? This is a very serious thing. And I'm sorry, I'm ready.

Dr.Jordan  38:34  
Okay, hold this mirror in the hand that is tied. Yes. Excellent. Now I'm going to get you to stare into the mirror for quite a long time. Concentrate, but Don't strain yourself. If you start to feel a bit tired or droopy, that's very normal. Please just try to stay relaxed. While you focus on relaxing, I want you to start to think about Anna. Think about the way she looked. What do you remember about her? Anything that you can grab on to? While you're beginning your transition, you're going to see some images in the mirror. This is very normal, do not panic. Let your mind explore these images. Think about all the decisions you've made regarding Anna that have brought you to where you are now in your life. Eventually, you're going to have this sensation that you are floating when you begin to feel that you're a floating state and let yourself fall deeper and deeper when you say her name and wonderful. This means that the world around you is beginning to fade and you're slowly making your way to your special place. Your escape your Nexus. As your inner world begins to form and build itself around you. He begin gaining feeling in that world. Soon you will start to feel your fingers and toes and you'll be able to get up out of the chair and explore once you feel comfortable Going up with that. Please get up and explore. Take the air and relaxation you're experiencing for the first time in your life. Your head is clear. Everything is so crystal clear. When you've taken some time to explore, I want you to look around where you are and find the red telephone. This is how you're going to be able to communicate with me, because your body will not be physically responsive. When you pick up the telephone or dial 333 and I will pick up Take your time. 

Anita  40:43  
Dr. Jordan Did it work? 

Dr.Jordan  40:49  
worked darling. I can hear you. But how do you feel? 

Anita  40:55  
I feel good. I think kind of like I'm dreaming. But we are clear.

Dr.Jordan  41:06  
That's perfect. Your feelings are exactly on track. Are you ready to continue? 

Anita  41:12  

Dr.Jordan  41:13  
I want you to start by saying Anna's name to yourself a few times while you visualizer conjure her up. We want to talk to Anna. say her name until you can see her. Call her over to you.

Anita  41:31  
Anna, Anna, Anna. Anna, please make sure she comes to you. Be gentle because she's probably afraid and confused. Enough. And I'm a friend. I'm just here to make sure you're okay. Please. Please, Anna come here. She's coming. She's here. 

Dr.Jordan  42:12  
Tell her what you need her to hear. Tell her how sorry you are. Tell her she didn't deserve any of what happened to her. She didn't do anything wrong. Tell her you love her. Tell her. Her family loves her. pillared a bad man is gone. Tell her you're sorry for what you did. 

Anita  42:46  
I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could do it all over. I wish I I wish it was me. I wish we knew. She's hugging me. 

Dr.Jordan  43:10  
She hasn't been hugged in 10 years. Give her a hug. I want you to tell her that she can move on just as you can. You can both move on. You're going to see a big wooden door somewhere. 

Anita  43:25  
I see it Yeah. You see 

Dr.Jordan  43:27  
is it close?

Anita  43:30  
It's very close. 

Dr.Jordan  43:32  
Tell Anna that she needs to go through the door. The only way for you to make it up to her is for you to send her off so she can go to a better place. Tell her to trust you. She needs to go through the door.

Anita  43:44  
Anna, Anna It's time to go through. It's time. You don't have to stay here anymore. You can move on. It's gonna be so beautiful. Are you ready? Do you trust me? Okay. See that door? Go right through that door. It'll take all the pain away Anna. Dr. Jordan she went through the door. 

Dr.Jordan  44:28  
Is it closed? 

Anita  44:32  
Yes. Wait. Hello? Dr. Jordan? 

Dr.Jordan  44:39  
Darling wake up for me now. Wake up. You're back. You're safe. You can wake up now. 

Anita  44:44  
Dr. Jordan. Dr.Jordan I'm still here. Dr. Jordan the door won't open! 

Fake Anita  44:55  

Anita  44:59  
Wait...was that my voice?  

Dr.Jordan  45:01  
Baby Hello, you're back! You're back with me! 

Samantha McNulty  45:25  
Remember when I said finding yourself was scary? Yeah, not so funny now. What a terrible therapist I would be leaving a steaming review on Yelp if I ever found my way out of that existential crisis. If you thought that was scary, well, I've saved the most terrifying project for last, we've got a clip of the most harrowing tale from Claire Albush's podcast First And Worst. You're listening. You're listening to you're listening to bounced.

Claire Albush  46:01  
So now that you've heard people's opinions on sex, and a story of someone's first and worsts, it's about time I share a story of my own. This is a story of my worst time. So to start some context, I met this girl at a party and we had a quick little makeout session, and that was that thought I'd seen the last of her. But a couple of days later, I got a text. 

Hey, wanna have a sleepover? 

Now, folks, this may seem innocent. But I'll have you know, one of the biggest perks of liking girls and being a girl is the opportunity for sexy sleep overs. We could be just friends and our parents would be none the wiser. Obviously, I had to say yes. So our sexy sleep over adventure began. But not before having to commute to her house because neither of us knew how to drive. So we get there and immediately we run into her mom. Mom, this is my friend, Claire. Claire. Hi. Nice to meet you. Have you dinner yet? No need I'm having your daughter later tonight. I didn't say that. But I desperately wanted to. Being the glutton I am, I filled my plate high with better chickens. We went upstairs. The door click behind us and we were in in her bedroom. I was in this hot girls bedroom and we were about to start our sexy sleep over. I took a moment to appreciate the situation as we took a seat. She suggested we watch a movie and I thought Yes, this was a perfect opportunity to set the mood. I smiled as I took a bite of food. Delicious, just like how she was going to be in Oh my god, we're gonna watch WHAT?! Well, I was expecting her to put on a sexy movie some 50 shades of something. I instead got none other than the animated Disney motion picture of Zootopia. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for a good Disney movie once in a while but this was supposed to be a sexy sleep over. I wasn't going to get it onto bunny cops and then detective Foxy...although described that way it does sound a bit like a porno. But it wasn't. So I was starting to question if this really was a sexy sleep over. Was I just a friend? Do I read this entire situation wrong? Was the butter chicken really going to be my only meal of the night? Well, ladies, gentlemen, folks in between why no cost to work? Because after those credits roll it's sexy sleep over time.

What do you think you're doing? Her mom had just walked in on us? Holy Fuck, I was shitting bricks. What the hell was I supposed to do? She went outside to talk to her mom. My mind started racing. Should I climb out the window? Jump and start running. But Where would I go? You were called earlier read of the story. I couldn't drive and the buses in the burbs didn't exactly run at midnight. So I texted my mom made up some excuse. After the talk with her mom. She came back into the room to let me know that I'd have to leave. I was like, all right. No problem. I got it. And she insisted that no, my dad can drive you home. Your dad Oh my god. Absolutely not. There was no way in hell that I was going to get into a car with her dad. Okay, so I got into a car with her dad. And she was with me on the ride back. And can I say it was the longest car ride I had ever had. You think I got my license after that, but I still can't drive. Thanks so much for listening everyone. I hope you've had a great time had some laughs and I look forward to seeing you next time.

Samantha McNulty  50:01  
That's it for this episode. Hopefully the last one wasn't too scary for you. I want to say a big thank you to all the people involved in the making of this episode. If you want to revisit any of the projects we've played or get to know the students behind them, you can check out our show notes. Thanks for listening. I'm Sam, the podcast producer and host and this was Bounced. 

Robot Voice (Closing)  50:34  
Thank you for your cooperation.